T-72B3 The Russian tank the Ukrainians fear the most

 T-72B3 The Russian tank the Ukrainians fear the most 

Ukrainians were always on the lookout to seize the tank T-72B3, The backbone of the Russian army. T-72B3 is the icon of Putin's warfare in Ukraine and the most popular model in the Russian military. Ukrainians jump at the chance to capture the deadly tank, Soldiers were recently seen drifting a T-72B3 after seizing a T-12B3 the Ukrainian soldiers took the tank for a spin clearly impressed by the warehouse. The explosive reactive armor detonates to absorb the destructive power of incoming shells and missiles.

Enviable Abilities - Automatic Trackers of enemy tanks, laser range finder with thermal sights. The T-72B3 can fire armor-piercing sabots High-Explosive rounds and anti-tank Missiles. Diesel engine with 1,100 horsepower, the maximum speed is 69KM/H on paved road with a range of 500KM 


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